Beach Safety Tips for Your Myrtle Beach Vacation

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Beach Safety Tips for Your Myrtle Beach Vacation

Before you head out to the beach, there are some safety tips you need to know. We want you to enjoy your time with us here in Myrtle Beach, so your safety is important to us. Please review the following beach safety tips for your Myrtle Beach vacation.

1. Know what beach flags mean – Beach flags give you vital information about conditions in the water or dangerous marine life nearby. Always check for beach flags and take caution when necessary. Here’s a quick guide to what the beach flag colors mean:

  • Double Red – Beach is closed. Water is too dangerous. Do not go in.
  • Single Red –High hazard and very strong currents. Avoid the beach at this time.
  • Yellow – Medium hazard and medium to strong currents. Only very experienced swimmers should go in the water.
  • Green – Low hazard. Calm conditions. Okay to swim.
  • Purple/Blue – Dangerous marine life present (usually jellyfish). Exercise caution. Consider avoiding the beach at this time.

2. Don’t overdose on the sun – The sun can get very intense while you’re at the beach. It’s important to take precautions to guard against sunburn, which can get severe quickly, and dehydration.

  • Drink plenty of water or fluids. Avoid alcohol, which causes dehydration/
  • Avoid being out in the sun during midday when UV radiation is most intense.
  • Use sunscreen and reapply after swimming.
  • Protect yourself with an umbrella, UV-protective sunglasses and protective clothing.

3. Know how to break the grip of the rip – Rip currents can happen in even the calmest conditions. If you get stuck in a rip current, swim parallel to shore until you are free from it, then swim back to shore or wave your hands over your head for lifeguard assistance. Learn more about rip currents in our previous blog.

4. Use a landmark – When swimming in the ocean, it’s easy to accidently migrate far from where you got in. Find a landmark and keep it in sight while swimming so you don’t drift too far away from your beach set-up. Always try to swim near a lifeguard and don’t go in further than waist deep.

5. Mind the weather – If you see lightning or hear thunder, get out of the water, pack up and get off the beach. Lightning strikes are common on the beach because you are so close to the water. Don’t risk being struck by lightning. Get your things and get off the beach as quickly as possible. Remember, where you hear thunder, there is lightning too.

It’s important that your time at the beach is enjoyable and safe. Please be sure to follow these beach safety tips for your Myrtle Beach vacation so that you can safely come back and visit us again!